Monday, February 12, 2007

12 Variations sur le thème "Kiss Ekhta"



Coco said...

Kesssekhto hal post ma alazzo! Bi fesh el khele2 w very informative kamen :)
[3eyb el banet ykoun 3endoun msabbeh moufaddaleh shi?]

Bass leyk, weyniyyeh ma3zoufit "12 variations sur le thème : A vous dirai-je maman"?

Rania said...

bima inni mish 3am fattish 3a gheir shighil 7allian, I guess i cannot listen to your post until further notice...

Anonymous said...

Kiss ikhta ya zalameh shou eikhid ta toli3 ma3ak kil hal li ksseiss!!! (libneini, afghani walla koubi???)

Krys said...

if there's a blogging definitely, are the winner!

Tgho foghte la paghtie de la fghench gighl.. lol :D

Anonymous said...

is this ur voice??? how many recordings of this kind have u made?? did u blog them all?

very funny post

Maya@NYC said...

hahahhaha... very funny!
but don't underestimate the tolerance of the Nazareth girls, ok?!! :)

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said...

Coco: ma fi chi 3ayb ... khidi ra7tik ... i'll email the composition soon.

achinar: I think u listened to it ...and more than once ;-)

Walid: m3assal avocat !!!

Krys: thanks but no award required ... am doing this just for fun and the greater good :-P

chou inteh bi be iz??? ma tkouneh ghayha wou mich ghej3a !!!

Anonymous: is this my voice? no it's Barry White el 3arab!!! should redo some old posts in audio? only if the fans "beg" for it ;-)

Maya@NYC: j'ai "bien" precise abel ma tssir moukhtalata ... if u were there during "segregation" u need to sign up to one of my seminars: "getting over jesuit nuns for Nassra graduates"

Maya@NYC said...

AMB: typical mont-la salle prejuge sur les filles de Nazo:) hala', it's true, our last guy left en classe de 5 eme!!! but i wouldn't step into any of your seminars... li ano "les filles de nazareth sont fragiles comme du crystal"... hek soeur samira kenit t'elna! :)

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said...

!!! Mont-la-salle!!! u seriously think i'm a Mont-la-salle graduate? Maya I'm offended.
tu as affaire a un Antourien ma chere ... and the comment by soeur Samira is what encouraged the seminar !!! crystal never has any fun they're always hidden bil dressoir and only makes it out on special occasions like when Soeur Samira is invited to lunch or dinner for some ass kissing festival !!!
I'm enrolling u in the seminar for FREE !!!

Coco said...

3antourien? Wka zalmeh tlo3na jiran! Merci 3al email salaf :)

Anonymous said...


و حياة ربي منطق و حكمة
محد نطق فيها غيرك

Rania said...

lah lah lah ya AMB, i cannot listen to it, ma fini ikhdosh 3iffit sama3ei.. you see I'm not a tilmizit nazareth, bass i got the great combination of makassed (girls only!!) school and yassou3ieh... Kiss ikhta I don't even understand what you're talking about....

Delirious said...

"Koko ikhto" malla post! ;-)

Coco said...

Bayrout tounadik bel 3arabeh w bel anklizeh..

Anonymous said...

ktir kamen


Anonymous said...

Ziad, you're talented. you should consider writing some screenplays for the Lebanese movie makers, i think they need some.

i've reposted your voice, so that it is widely heard ;-)

hope you're having a good time with Ro7ana.


Anonymous said...

I used many of your 12 variations while listening... and added a new one: "Min beb el choc... kiss ikhta chou hal talent"
You definitely should release a CD or have a radio slot!! I am serious! Interesting scripts and sexy voice!

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said...

Maj, thank you for your kind words ... releasing a CD or having a radio show is not on the agenda now...I come here to vent off my inner frustrations and I want to keep this space as such without any pressures ...but thanks anyway ... see you around ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ok... So... without pressuring you and just FYI... by releasing your inner frustrations on a CD... you will be releasing our inner frustrations tooo !! Inno khidme lal moujtama3 wel inseniyye :))

Nanu said...

hahahaha :)))) am such a fan, mdr. concept lf*$* you lol UR AN INSPIRATION!!!! 3an jad chapeau ;)

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said...

Well Thank u thank u thank u ... I see my work is appreciated !!! :P
How's my second favorite city NY doing ? sometimes I miss it so much...but I hear we2am wahhab on the news and just know that the place to be is Beirut !!!!! :P

Nanu said...

eh walla:))) NY mni7a, w ana kamen mni7a thanks for askin:P Hows life treatin u monsieur?

Nanu said...

cant get enuff of ur posts, seriously makes me smile kel mara bet2ayer ma3i. Bless u.

Nanu said...

w yeslamli ton accent bl francais :) :) :)

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said...

I find the way you put "bet2ayer ma3i" so close to "Bless u" rather .... exquisite.... :-)
bil Francais walla el frOnsseh ??

Did u send that invitation yet ???? ;-)

Nanu said...

tourette's... cant help it much. lek, j'ai beau essayer mais ca marche pas, envoie moi une invit par contre ou bien i guess i need ur email to send u one,

et prends pas une éternité pour repondre non plus... s'il te plait...

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said... ... and this was done in a New York Minute ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOLtastic! Ke** ekhta is also my favorite swearword. Very cathartic although as a "lady" I can only say it outloud in private.

LebaneseRob said...

LOL @ Eh kess 2ekhta law 3arif heik 2ekhta, 2ekht elli ma dahar ma3 2ekhta!